Duke University Antitrust Policy

Duke University is committed to excellence in all of its operations. It conducts its affairs ethically, honestly, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This includes U.S. and international antitrust laws.

Duke University expects its employees to comply with these laws, to observe the Implementation Guidelines that immediately follow this Policy, and to consult the Antitrust Compliance Officer (Chris Lott at 919-684-3955 or chris.lott@duke.edu(link sends e-mail)) wherever there is a question about the legality of a practice. It is the responsibility of each Duke employee to make sure that their actions are consistent with the antitrust laws.

Violation of this Policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Violations of the law may also result in legal liability for Duke and individual employees involved in the misconduct, and could lead to significant fines or penalties, including criminal penalties.

Read the full policy and its guidelines Duke University Antitrust Policy


Office of Counsel

Issued Date

September 26, 2019

Last Revised

February 24, 2023

Policy types



Doing Business with Others